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New VPS product launch

As we enter the second week of 2007, I am very happy to present a revolutionary new concept in hosting, Virtual Private Server (VPS) technology, also known as Virtual Dedicated Server. It allows for one server to have many virtual machines coexisting side by side. Each with their own set of software, root user, services, virtual memory and cpu process isolation. In plain terms, one physical server can host many independent servers.

Honestly it’s not such a new concept, IBM has used it in their mainframes since before history of time. But the technology was not available in any reasonable way to end users until very recently.

What it is good for:

1) Websites with sensitive data who cannot afford a security breach. Regular hosting accounts share space and daemons (server software: email, web, database, etc.) with each other. There is always a risk that one user’s poorly written script will open a back door to hackers to steal other users’ information. VPS technology eliminates this risk almost completely because only your own software runs on your VPS.

2) People who don’t want to share a server with too many users. Since VPS users have guaranteed storage space, there are significantly fewer users than on a shared system. For instance, while a shared system may run 500 websites, a VPS may only host 10-30 other users.

3) Users who need more resources than a shared hosting server can provide, but can’t justify a full dedicated server. CPU intensive websites are generally moved onto VPS to free up resources on our shared hosting servers. This is common practice for customers with very intensive websites such as forums and other database intensive applications. Since VPS can allocate CPU “time” it helps to guarantee that your website runs quickly.

4) People who can’t afford a dedicated server but REALLY REALLY want one.

5) Developers, great for testing applications. VPS allows you to isolate your software until you are absolutely certain it is ready for prime time.

6) Users that don’t want the hassle of dealing with operating system issues. Such as kernels, file systems, etc.

What it is NOT:

1) A VPS is NOT a dedicated server.
2) You cannot compile your own kernel.
3) Limited RAM. Although everyone has Guaranteed RAM, they may burst up to the full amount of ram on the server. But as more users are added, everyone scales down to whatever is available at the time.
4) You don’t have 100% of CPU time, same situation as #3.

We are very excited about this new VPS line and time will show that it is the next step in hosting technology.

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